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Volunteer Opportunities


Whatever the need…we’ll be there! Employees often respond to very traumatic calls for help. Sometimes they’re not able to provide all of the assistance the victim requires. At those times, we call on one of our many agency chaplains who represent a number of denominations and faiths. This program supports emotional and spiritual relations to members, employees, and their respective families. The chaplains upon request graciously assist victims and their families with death notifications, stress management, and a number of other services.

Chaplains must meet the following criteria:

1. Have minimum of five years of continuous experience in the ministry of their faith.

2. Present a letter of support and good standing from the sponsoring 501C3 religious body/denomination. 

3. No history of ordination or license revocation. 

4. Must be able to respond on a 24-hour basis in the event of an emergency. 

5. Possess an Ecclesiastical Certification as an Ordained minister of the designated faith.

For more information on the Chaplin Program contact us at

Citizens On Patrol

Citizens On Patrol was formed in 2000 by the Orange County Sheriff's Office. It is comprised of at least 10 homeowners from subdivisions who have chosen to volunteer their time to the Orange County Sheriff's Office acting as the eyes and ears for law enforcement.

Citizens On Patrol volunteers are one of the greatest supports to deputies. Our Citizens On Patrol wear an issued agency uniform and patrol in marked agency vehicles which remain in their subdivision.

After successfully passing a background check, Citizens On Patrol volunteers are required to complete 22 hours of training prior to beginning their duties as a volunteer. Training includes, but is not limited to, CPR, AED, Law Enforcement Vehicle Operation driver training, policy and procedures, and how to identify and report criminal/non-criminal behavior.

Upon successful completion of training, volunteers patrol their subdivisions, neighborhood parks, schools, and area businesses observing for suspicious/criminal behavior and hazards. Citizens On Patrol can also assist at various sites until a deputy arrives such as road closures/hazards, school crossings,  vacation house checks, and wellness checks.

To learn more about this great opportunity in your subdivision please contact Citizens On Patrol Coordinator Awilda Torres at (407) 254-7342 or

In House Volunteers

The Orange County Sheriff's Office Volunteer Program is available in a number of areas within the Orange County Sheriff's Office.  Our volunteers have a variety of different skill sets and experiences.  These skills and experiences are an invaluable resource for the success of the Orange County Sheriff's Office.   There are many units where volunteers are used, such as: Records, Community Relations, Criminal Investigations, and the Various Sectors.

To learn more about this program, please contact us at


The Internship program allows current college students to work within the Orange County Sheriff's Office to better prepare themselves for their chosen career. This is a volunteer non-paid program.

To apply for an internship with the Sheriff's Office there are several requirements:

  • Must be attending an accredited college, in good academic standing and able to receive college credit.

  • Must be a college student that is currently in your field of study.

  • Must be in your Junior (completed 1 semester) or Senior year.

  • Ability to pass a background check.

To learn more about this program,  please contact an Intern Coordinator at

Mounted Barn

Barn volunteers assist with the care, cleaning of the horses, cleaning stalls and equipment. No riding experience is necessary.  However, if a volunteer wishes to exercise the horses, they must first pass a mounted riding test.

To learn more about this program,  please contact us at

Mounted Posse

The Mounted Posse provides search and rescue services with the primary emphasis on using horses during search and rescue. Members may be called upon to participate in missing persons searches, evidence searches, and special events.  This units also participates in the Black Stallion Literacy Project.

To learn more about this program, please contact us at

Occupant Protection Program

The primary objective of the Occupant Protection Program is to increase awareness of proper use of occupant protection devices (car seats, booster seats, and seat belts) throughout the community.   This objective is met through education and training of the public.

 Volunteers help with free car seat check- up events assisting with the distribution of appropriate paperwork, help with the completion of the required forms, and distribute educational materials and giveaways to the families in attendance.  Volunteers also assist in “baby wrangling” keeping an eye on the child while their caregiver works with a certified technician to properly install the car seat.   For more information on the Occupant Protection Program or to learn how to become a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician please contact Carrisa Johns at (407) 521-4673 or email 

Police Athletic League (P.A.L.)

The Orange County Police Athletic League is a juvenile crime prevention organization in which law enforcement officers utilize athletic and recreational activities to influence youngsters to avoid the temptations of crime, drugs and violence. Through its sports and educational programs P.A.L. encourages children to become law-abiding citizens. Orange County P.A.L. relies on volunteers for the success of its programs. Volunteers serve as coaches, officials, scorekeepers, mentors and chaperones. P.A.L. actively seeks the support of law enforcement officers and civilian volunteers to fulfill its mission of filling playgrounds, not prisons. 

To learn more about this program. please contact the P.A.L. Coordinator Corporal Justin Age at 407-254-7265 or

Task Force

This is one of our most active units. Members wear uniforms and are trained in traffic, crowd and perimeter control, search and rescue, disasters, parades, and other public activities. They are ready to be of service whenever needed, serving the community and promoting public safety by assisting any city, county, state, or federal agency in any endeavor for which they are qualified.


To learn more about this program, please contact us at


Tourist Information Patrol Specialists (TIPS)

The Tourist Information Patrol Specialist (TIPS) is a uniformed unit where volunteers drive specially marked cars and offer assistance to tourist visiting the International Drive area.  TIPS offers assistance in many ways such as providing directions, assisting with disabled vehicles, and crime prevention tips.  This unit also patrols in hotel and business parking lots to deter criminal activity.  


To learn more about this program, please contact us at



Volunteer Opportunities

The Orange County Sheriff's Office has a variety of volunteer opportunities available that just might be right for you!  You can volunteer your time in an assistance/support role in various departments throughout the agency or volunteer in areas where you can put your specialized skills to work.  While we always endeavor to accomodate requests for volunteer service, some of our volunteer positions may not be open at the time you submit your application.   


If you want to apply for a civilian position or to update your civilian application.

Click here to apply