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Cyberspace Safety

Digital technology continues to grow in geometric proportions and is the basis for everything we do in our daily lives from buying that first cup of early morning coffee at the local convenience store to the exploration of space.  And we all know what happens when a computer crashes.  Arguably, computer technology's biggest impact on the life of the average person would have to be the advent and rapid proliferation of the internet and it's ability to bring the wonders of the world into our homes through our personal computers.  And, as often is the case, when something new comes down the pike, there are always those who waste no time in figuring out how to turn something great into a criminal enterprise.  

With that thought in mind we have created this portion of our website to help keep you and your family safe as you enjoy the wonders of computer technology.  We will address issues such as identify theft, Internet predators, and other issues that you, as a consumer and user of this new and growing technology, might encounter through the use of your personal computer. 

Internet Safety Resources On Line

Follow these links for current and useful information on internet and computer safety

Internet Safety 101