School Guardians / Safe School Officers are NOT employees of The Orange County Sheriff’s Office; however, the Orange County Sheriff will provide training opportunities to obtain standards for certification. Seats are limited.
Prior to being granted a seat in our training, Guardian/Safe School Officer candidates must obtain employment with a public, charter, or private school (recognized by Florida’s Department of Education) or private security company that has contracted with such a school.
Guardian / Safe School candidates who meet the previous requirements must then pass a background check conducted by OCSO, as well as a 10-Panel drug screen and psychological assessment.
Certain licensing from the State of Florida, such as Class D & Class G Security Licensed may also be required.
Additional information regarding licensing and the vetting process will be provided at the appropriate time.
Applications for a seat in our training program will be available in this space beginning March 3, 2025.
Recertification training curriculum will be delivered on July 18 and July 25 with a four hour morning block and a four hour afternoon block.
** Submit all appropriate documents via .pdf format only. No .jpeg or other formats will be accepted ** ** When submitting, please use the fewest pages possible, use original sized copies and in color ** ** Licenses and permits should be consolidated to one page **
Download the Application Here