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Community Crime Prevention Awards

Applications - CLOSED


The Orange County Sheriff’s Office is opening the application process for its fifth annual Community Crime Prevention Award program, which provides monetary awards ranging from $2,500-$10,000 to nonprofit organizations, neighborhood groups and others engaged in projects or programs that address:

  • Neighborhood safety

  • Crime prevention

  • Drug abuse education and prevention

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office is seeking applications from eligible community groups in an effort to reduce and prevent crime in Orange County. The awards will enable community partners to work in alignment with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office to support evidence-based violence reduction, safety and drug abuse education and prevention programs.

OCSO’s 2024 Community Crime Prevention Award program will distribute a total of $250,000 in awards that do not require applicants to provide matching funds. The awards are made possible utilizing seized contraband assets which are held in the Sheriff’s Law Enforcement Trust Fund. Applicants may request a maximum of up to $10,000 in funding, but the award recipients and amounts will be selected at the sole discretion of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Only one application per organization will be accepted. Organizations that offer multiple programs may include funding requests for different programs within one proposal. The applicant’s proposal may request funding for any new project, ongoing program, or regularly-held event as long as the project, program, or event meets all of the eligibility criteria.


Who may apply?

The award program will provide funds to community groups, associations, agencies, or nonprofit organizations which provide services to residents within the boundaries of Orange County. Funds will not be provided to support the start-up of a new group. Preference will be given to established applicants who serve the unincorporated areas of Orange County.

community crime prevention grant program image

What are the application eligibility criteria?

To be considered for funding a program or project must:

  • Fall within one of the statutorily approved  categories listed above
  • Submit an application describing their program or project and provide a detailed, itemized list of items to be purchased with award funds
  • Follow the directions below regarding submission of the Proposal

All Applicants approved for funding will be required to enter into a legal agreement with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office setting forth the terms and conditions under which funds may be expended and outlining all accounting requirements.


What are the criteria to be selected for funding?

Projects or programs will be rated using the following criteria:

  • The application must be completed in full and received prior to the deadline. Applications received after the deadline may not be considered.
  • The application must provide a clear understanding of the program or project, expected benefits to the community and how it meets the criteria for the award.
  • The applicant must have a commitment from the participants in the program or project. Special consideration will be given to programs or projects with letters of recommendation from community members, faith leaders, neighborhood associations, or local businesses.
  • The applicant must have a program or project that is well-planned, and ready for implementation or is a part of a broader, ongoing effort, with a well- defined method for demonstrating that the funds are spent appropriately.


Projects that will NOT be considered for the award program:

  • Projects or improvements that are the responsibility of a homeowner’s association.
  • Funds for off-duty law enforcement
  • Target hardening for private entities (fences, safety walls, cameras)


How will the Orange County Sheriff's Office decide which projects are funded?

All applications that meet the minimum eligibility criteria will be reviewed by an internal Funding Approval Committee. Sheriff John Mina will make the final determination of awards. The awards must be ratified by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners before the funds are released.


To apply:

Agencies or organizations wishing to apply for Community Crime Prevention Awards must fill out the award application in full and submit it to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office no later than Tuesday, December 31, 2024 at 5 p.m. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered for funding.



Previous Awardees


Make An Impact


We're proud to feature the Make An Impact Foundation, one of the recipients of the 2024 OCSO Community Crime Prevention Awards. This non-profit teaches barbering and braiding to local youth, helping them contribute positively to our community.


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So You Want Your Name In Lights


Undersheriff Mark Canty visited "So You Want Your Name In Lights,” a youth mentoring program and recipient of our Community Crime Prevention Awards. As a reward for the kids in camp, he brought the OCSO Gaming trailer with the latest video games.

Since 2020, these awards have supported community safety programs like this one. This year, John Mina, Orange County Sheriff presented over $220,000 to 34 organizations focused on neighborhood safety, crime prevention, and drug abuse education. The funds come from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, filled with assets seized from criminals.


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Tough Biker Orlando ​is an urban, crit-style mountain/cyclocross bike challenge through downtown city streets, public parks and parking garages. Tough Biker is committed to helping at-risk youth through the sport of mountain biking. Proceeds benefit charities who assist at-risk youth in Central Florida. We focus our mentoring on cycling and getting more kids on bikes!


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Autism Society of Greater Orlando

For its autism-related law enforcement training.


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Brooke Jenkins Dream 360 Center

For a series of programs and experiences that teach young people about the risks involved with criminal behavior.


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Butterfly Transformation Outreach Inc

We envision a world in which girls 8-18 and women of all ages value their complete selves, discover their inner strength, and reach their highest potential.


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Boys2Men Mentoring program

Fresh Breath International for its Boys2Men Mentoring program, providing positive male role models who listen, encourage and empower boys ages 10-18


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I See My Destiny

for program supplies and curriculum for the “We Own Wednesdays” and “The Little Things That Count” programs to help young people build confidence, establish healthy relationships, set goals, and take action in the community


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Let Your Voice Be Heard, Inc.

For its mobile mentoring program, Brothers Get Up, designed to respond to incidents of violent crime involving juveniles to meet the youth “where they are”



Paving the Way Foundation Inc

For its sex trafficking and exploitation educational training and awareness programs


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The Faine House

For its residential program for young adults who have aged out of foster care


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The Keri Anne DeMott Foundation

For its “No More Empty Seats” program, which focuses on awareness and prevention of drunk, impaired and distracted driving

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To fund program supplies for its Art for Healing program for low income Hispanic youth.




Lock Your Meds is a universal prevention campaign intended to save lives by preventing prescription drug misuse, which is the fastest growing substance misuse problem in America.




To support equipment and presentation material for its Hate Crimes Symposium for law enforcement and criminal justice professionals.

